Three ways the DCEU is better than the MCU

With the DCEU coming under fire everytime a new movie hits theatres it would be easy to assume that the entire franchise is utter garbage. This could not be farther from the truth and I will highlight them below and explain exactly why the DCEU only needs tweaks and not a full reboot to compete […]

Read More Three ways the DCEU is better than the MCU

Reports of Larson’s Seven Movie Deal found to be exaggerated- is she still the future of the MCU?

Is the MCU getting cold feet with Brie Larson? Following the wildly exaggerated reports that Brie Larson had been given a movie contract that included a minimum of seven movies with Marvel Studios, fans went wild with that meant for the future landscape of the MCU. We now know from Brie herself those reports are […]

Read More Reports of Larson’s Seven Movie Deal found to be exaggerated- is she still the future of the MCU?

Iger gives X-Men to Feige

On Thursday, September 20th Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, confirmed that Kevin Feige the man who has overseen the MCU will be in charge of Mutants. For fans who have been frustrated by SingerVerse this is probably great news, but for those who have been enthralled by the Singer movies– your degree in quantum physics […]

Read More Iger gives X-Men to Feige

Is Nova coming to the MCU?

In August we learned from sources that Avengers 4 was undergoing extensive reshoots This news followed the indefinite postponement of Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 and of course the confirmation of Fox accepting the sale to Disney. Out of these to stories though came two different rumors, the first and most predictable revolved around […]

Read More Is Nova coming to the MCU?

Top Five Venom Storylines of all time

  Venom’s popularity has spawned a multitude of comics and a soon to be released movie that has seen our Symbiote anti-hero through some intense and gory ordeals.  I think historian Mike Conroy said it best, “What started out as a replacement costume for Spider-Man turned into one of the Marvel web-slinger’s greatest nightmares.” Here […]

Read More Top Five Venom Storylines of all time